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Game Design & Development

Ninja Trials 1 & 2

Super cool 3 month platformer project through GameMaker software.

The idea behind both games was to create an extremely difficult puzzle game. The first game was used to establish the base game consisting of time challenges and progressive difficulty.

In Ninja Trials 2, the focus was mainly on UI/UX, audible feedback, level design, story, and visual depth, all in order to establish a more enjoyable experience.


Development progress and pictures below!

Ninja Trials 2 Homepage.PNG
Game Design: Bio

Ninja Trials 1

Simple level design allows for challenge progression and learning. Unfortunately, moving the character was dreadfully slow, making every loss super painful.


Established the most basic functions from challenge rules to basic physics. As a first game, the biggest takeaway was that using less code goes a long way!

This was something that needed to be addressed in the sequel.





Game Design: Image
NJ2 Program.PNG


Programmed in GameMaker Language, similar to Java, though GML is very assisted and easy to call functions and elements. A lot of chunking and organization was needed to manage menus and object interaction.
Biggest challenges were manipulation code to enable very specific physics based behavior.

Game Design: Image
Ninja Trials 2 Homepage.PNG

Ninja Trials 2

Part 2 of the series showcased improved UI/UX elements, more specifically, a lot of time was put into input response and feedback. The game became much more user-friendly too, with practice modes and options menus to manipulate audio and menus.

Game Design: Image
NJ2 Level.PNG

Improved gameplay

Players can feel a sense of progression from the first to

the second game as you play with a new character and goal.

Improved graphics, physics, and new obstacles

also deliver a refreshing challenge to players.

Game Design: Image
Game Design: Text
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